GHS Helicopters Complete UN Emergency Mercy Missions

Source: Vertical Mag: On 18th of January, three GHS Helicopters were re-tasked at short notice from WFP missions to respond to an urgent demand for airlift of injured civilian casualties from a “friendly fire incident” in the North East region of Nigeria, Rann.

The GHS Bell 412 and Bell 212 helicopters are based in Maiduguri on a WFP Aid contract but when the
incident was reported, GHS were called upon to respond by assisting moving medical teams,
equipment and evacuating injured civilians. The GHS in-country team were very quick to react. The
helicopters were re-roled with stretcher systems and were immediately tasked demonstrating again,
that GHS is a very dynamic, capable and mission focused company. Eight missions were flown in direct
support of the incident and more missions for GHS are planned over the next few days. Dozens of
injured victims could be rescued.

GHS has a proven history in supporting NGO’s in difficult and demanding environments. During the
recent Ebola Crisis in West Africa, GHS responded and flew for MSF and UNWFP/UNMEER and UK
DFID/Gritrock, directly supporting the international Ebola response.

Borno State: On 17th January 2017, at approx 12:00hrs, an Air force Alpha Jet committed a friendly
fire incident by dropped 02 bombs on an IDP camp at Rann village of Kala Balge LGA, killing possibly
as many as 20 international aid workers injured as well as between 52-100+ IDPs killed and between
120-150 others injured. The exact number of casualties has not yet been ascertained but many of
those killed are allegedly children. The incident allegedly occurred when the fighter jet flew over the
camp and dropped the bombs in the camp during a food distribution exercise before ground troops
could communicate with the pilot about what it was.

Source: Vertical Mag

GHS Helicopters Complete UN Emergency Mercy Missions

Source: Vertical Mag: On 18th of January, three GHS Helicopters were re-tasked at short notice from WFP missions to respond to an urgent demand for airlift of injured civilian casualties from a “friendly fire incident” in the North East region of Nigeria, Rann.

The GHS Bell 412 and Bell 212 helicopters are based in Maiduguri on a WFP Aid contract but when the
incident was reported, GHS were called upon to respond by assisting moving medical teams,
equipment and evacuating injured civilians. The GHS in-country team were very quick to react. The
helicopters were re-roled with stretcher systems and were immediately tasked demonstrating again,
that GHS is a very dynamic, capable and mission focused company. Eight missions were flown in direct
support of the incident and more missions for GHS are planned over the next few days. Dozens of
injured victims could be rescued.

GHS has a proven history in supporting NGO’s in difficult and demanding environments. During the
recent Ebola Crisis in West Africa, GHS responded and flew for MSF and UNWFP/UNMEER and UK
DFID/Gritrock, directly supporting the international Ebola response.

Borno State: On 17th January 2017, at approx 12:00hrs, an Air force Alpha Jet committed a friendly
fire incident by dropped 02 bombs on an IDP camp at Rann village of Kala Balge LGA, killing possibly
as many as 20 international aid workers injured as well as between 52-100+ IDPs killed and between
120-150 others injured. The exact number of casualties has not yet been ascertained but many of
those killed are allegedly children. The incident allegedly occurred when the fighter jet flew over the
camp and dropped the bombs in the camp during a food distribution exercise before ground troops
could communicate with the pilot about what it was.

Source: Vertical Mag