Taking Corporate Social Responsibility very seriously
We hold ourselves to the highest standards of ethical behavior. This means doing the right thing for our customers, employees, communities, and the environment in which we operate.
Our values provide a solid foundation and a great working relationship for fulfilling our promises.
- Safety and Quality is paramount and of top priority in all our endeavors.
- We are always committed to a sustainable economic and ecologic operation.
- We are social, respectful and esteem cultural differences.
- We believe in strong team behavior and highly motivated employees through individual responsibility and a Just Culture throughout the whole company.
- A Zero Tolerance against any kind of corruption, racist behavior and unlawful activities which is unequivocally endorsed by each and every one of us.
- We support and follow the ten principles of the UN Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative.
- In 2015, GHS joined the United Nations Global Compact, a non-binding United Nations pact which GHS has adopted. The pact is to provide sustainable and socially responsible policies covering human rights, labor standards, respect for the environment and the fight against corruption.
Global Helicopter Service GmbH is a German based international aviation operator, approved by EASA specialising in a wide range of commercial helicopter services primarily based on Bell 412/212. As our main business activities are abroad, we are regularly faced with business practices which do not correspond to the GHS commitment to ensure that we conduct business in accordance with highest professional and ethical standards.
In our daily operations we are frequently confronted with unfair and corrupt practices. Avoiding and preventing these corrupt practices now and in the future it is essential to ensure the protection of the general business climate as well as GHS’s credibility in the eyes of our customers. Adherence to good governance creates an environment where corruption struggles to flourish in so doing protecting sustainable economic development, ethical values and justice, the negative effect on society and the rule of law. GHS are committed to strong business values and ethical behavior thereby ensuring the competitive advantages of transparency, a cleaner corporate image, more trustworthy business relationships, lower costs and no exposure to lawsuits.
The law alone is not enough to end corruption and this GHS ANTI CORRUPTION POLICY will guide our company to avoid and counteract corruption and bribery. We support the concept that every company has to implement its own anti-corruption regulations reinforce good governance and avoid corrupt practices within its own structure to prevent the immediate and direct costs to the company and the broader commercial effects of corruption on the market sector.
Global Compact
As a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, Global Helicopter Service GmbH is actively engaged with other companies and nongovernmental organizations in the fight against corruption. We support the Global Compact’s 10 principles and in particular „Principle 10“ which states: “Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.”
Our ANTI CORRUPTION POLICY should be seen in this context. The executive board as well as the management of Global Helicopter Service GmbH are aware of their responsibilities and have created the following codex to avoid corrupt business practices. The principles apply to all individuals working at Global Helicopter Service GmbH or any other business partners and officials associated with Global Helicopter Service GmbH.
Supporting the local youth
Global Helicopter Service supports Sucht- & Jugendhilfe e.V.
A a non-profit association that uses the magazine SUCHT-HILFE to educate and prevent substance abuse and addiction. The aim of the magazine is to ensure that parents, counselors and teachers are informed and understand the reality of the damage addiction can cause and what they need to do to provide immediate help – in the fight against substance abuse and the addiction to drugs or alcohol.
The magazine SUCHT-HILFE is distributed to parents, teachers at schools and vocational/technical schools, self-help groups, banks, various companies, as well as doctors‘ offices and pharmacies – for the youth.
To learn more about Sucht & Jugendhilfe and how GHS supports this organization please see the PDF and website link below.
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