Environmentalists keep telling the world how important it is to measure and reduce carbon emissions. Naturally, the same applies to us at Global Helicopter Service – which is why we have put sustainability at the heart of what we do and acknowledge that we must reduce our company’s carbon footprint and this has started with reducing our direct emissions one of our measures related to our environmental management initiatives.

GHS has tracked, documented and calculated its overall CO2 emissions based on the amount of JetA1 consumed using common formulas for the 2021 flight hours. Following this calculation the amount of CO2 has been offset via climate protection projects certified by the UN.
Thus we neutralized a significant percentage of our carbon footprint for our operations in Africa for 2021 and will repeat this in 2022 with the introduction of further reduction programs.
“The first step of climate action is awareness: it is only once you know what your footprint is that you will be able to take appropriate action to reduce it.” ©UNFCC
The main feature of the United Nations Carbon Offset Platform is to display UNFCCC-certified climate friendly projects that reduce, avoid or remove greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere. These projects are implemented in developing countries around the world and are rewarded with Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) for each tonne of greenhouse gas they help reduce, avoid or remove.
Global Helicopter Service proactively manages environmental protection. All our strategies, measures and missions are coordinated with our efforts to protect the environment. Environmental management within Global Helicopter Service will be systematically expanded and developed further at all levels.
It is all about our planet!
Stay tuned for more details about our other and future Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives.