Global Helicopter Service (GHS) is pleased to announce it has received a contract extension from the European Defense Agency (EDA) to continue the provision of FwdAE services for the Belgian DOD in Niger.

The contract will continue for 12 months commencing on the 1st January 2021, with GHS providing a Civilian Tactical Air Evacuation service utilising a Beechcraft 1900D for Belgian Defence deployment in Niger. The service is inclusive of a MEDEVAC collection service utilising the B1900D operating from the Diori Hamani International Airport, Niamey with an onboard AE Medical Team, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays.

GHS is privileged to receive this contract extension from EDA who have put their trust in the company to continue to provide this service and GHS is confident that it will deliver a robust, safe, cost-effective, and fit for purpose service on a daily basis as it has done in 2020.

Erfolgreiche Übungstage um für den Ernstfall gerüstet zu sein

Bei einem Waldbrand in den Bergen sind viele Helfer gefordert.

Am 13.08.2020 fand ein erfolgreiches Training mit ca. 70 Einsatzkräften der lokalen Feuerwehren und der Bergrettung inkl. GHS Piloten und Bodencrews in Ruhpolding/Chiemgauer Alpen statt.

Es wurde ein Waldbrand im Bereich oberhalb der Chiemgau-Arena in Ruhpolding/Bayern angenommen, den es sowohl vom Boden aus als auch mit „Hilfe aus der Luft“ einzudämmen galt. Eines der Hauptziele war es die Zusammenarbeit von Feuerwehrfrauen- und männer und der Hubschrauber Cockpit- und bodencrews zu trainieren. So konnten neue Techniken geteilt werden sowie wertvolle Erfahrungen im Zusammenspiel mit dem Hubschrauber sowie den anderen beteiligten Organisationen gesammelt werden.

Am 12.09.2020 fand eine weitere umfangreichere Katastrophenübung am Truppenübungsplatz in Kammer statt, bei der die GHS erneut mit einem Bell 412 Hubschrauber die Feuerwehren unterstützte um diverse Szenarien zu simulieren und zu trainieren.

Bei beiden Trainingseinheiten wurden Einweisungsflüge durchgeführt um das Bodenpersonal und die Hubschrauber Crew miteinander vertraut zu machen, indem Lasten im Tal aufgenommen und im Gelände abgesetzt wurden, sowie der gezielte Wasserabwurf aus dem Außenlastbehälter, dem Bambi Bucket.

Weiters wurde das Bambi Bucket dazu genutzt ein Wasserbecken wieder aufzufüllen und es wurden 30 Einsatzkräfte der Feuerwehren repositioniert. Damit konnten wir zusätzlich demonstrieren, dass mit einer Bell 412 auch eine höhere Anzahl an Einsatzkräften rasch in unwegsames Gelände versetzt werden kann, um die Löschtruppen direkt dort einzusetzen wo sie am nötigsten gebraucht werden.

Diese Übungen gaben uns weiters eine gute Möglichkeit unsere internen Abläufe zu trainieren und unser Equipment zu testen. Gelerntes wird umgesetzt und unser Setup auf Effizienz und Zuverlässigkeit geprüft.

Die Teilnehmer und Organisatoren beider Übungen zeigten sich sehr zufrieden mit dem Ergebnis und beide Seiten konnten wertvolle Erkenntnisse und neue Erfahrungen gewinnen.

Unser Dankeschön geht an alle beteiligten Organisationen, im Speziellen an den Kreisfeuerwehrverband Traunstein, der uns zu den Trainingseinheiten eigeladen hat.

Es ist uns eine Ehre die umliegenden Feuerwehren bei der Bekämpfung von Vegetationsbränden oder Einsätze im Katastrophenschutz zu unterstützen – wir sind bereit!

Photo credits:  „“  und  “Max Köbele/5sM/GHS” und Flying Lens

Successful training sessions performed to be prepared for any emergency

Wildfires in the mountains require a fight with joint forces.

On 13.08.2020, about 70 emergency response teams of the local fire brigade and alpine rescue service including GHS flight and ground crew conducted this successful training in Ruhpolding/Chiemgau Alps.

Within this exercise a forest fire has been assumed across the Chiemgau Arena in Ruhpolding/Bavaria, to be stemmed from the ground as well as by air. It has been a main target to train the collaboration between the teams of the fire brigades and the helicopter flight and ground crews. New techniques could be shared as well has valuable experience with the interaction of helicopter and further organizations involved.

On 12.09.2020, a larger combined disaster response exercise has been carried out at the military training area in Kammer where GHS again supported the Fire Brigades with one of its Bell 412 helicopters as part of the exercise to simulate and train different scenarios.

Both training scenarios did include several flights familiarizing ground personnel and helicopter crew by transporting loads up in the valley and dropping them in impassable terrain uphill as well as water rejection with the Bambi Bucket.

On the second occasion, the Bambi Bucket has as well been used to refill a water basin and 30 firefighters were deployed. With this, we could additionally demonstrate, that with the Bell 412 larger numbers of firefighters can be redeployed to inaccessible areas in the shortest time in order to get them to the places where they are needed most.

These exercises as well gave GHS good opportunities to test their intern procedures and equipment. Lessons learned will be implemented and our setup proved to be efficient and reliable.

All participants and organisations involved have been very satisfied with the achievements and both sides could gain good knowledge and experience during these trainings.

Our gratitude goes to all parties involved, especially to the Traunstein Fire Brigades who invited us to these events.

It will be our great pleasure to assist the Fire Brigades with any aerial vegetation firefighting or disaster response tasks in case of an emergency – we are ready!

Photos by:  / Max Köbele/5sM/GHS / Flying Lens

Waldbrand Übung in den Chiemgauer Alpen/Traunstein

Erfolgreiche Übungstage um für den Ernstfall gerüstet zu sein

Bei einem Waldbrand in den Bergen sind viele Helfer gefordert.

Am 13.08.2020 fand ein erfolgreiches Training mit ca. 70 Einsatzkräften der lokalen Feuerwehren und der Bergrettung inkl. GHS Piloten und Bodencrews in Ruhpolding/Chiemgauer Alpen statt.

Es wurde ein Waldbrand im Bereich oberhalb der Chiemgau-Arena in Ruhpolding/Bayern angenommen, den es sowohl vom Boden aus als auch mit „Hilfe aus der Luft“ einzudämmen galt. Eines der Hauptziele war es die Zusammenarbeit von Feuerwehrfrauen- und männer und der Hubschrauber Cockpit- und bodencrews zu trainieren. So konnten neue Techniken geteilt werden sowie wertvolle Erfahrungen im Zusammenspiel mit dem Hubschrauber sowie den anderen beteiligten Organisationen gesammelt werden.

Am 12.09.2020 fand eine weitere umfangreichere Katastrophenübung am Truppenübungsplatz in Kammer statt, bei der die GHS erneut mit einem Bell 412 Hubschrauber die Feuerwehren unterstützte um diverse Szenarien zu simulieren und zu trainieren.

Bei beiden Trainingseinheiten wurden Einweisungsflüge durchgeführt um das Bodenpersonal und die Hubschrauber Crew miteinander vertraut zu machen, indem Lasten im Tal aufgenommen und im Gelände abgesetzt wurden, sowie der gezielte Wasserabwurf aus dem Außenlastbehälter, dem Bambi Bucket.

Weiters wurde das Bambi Bucket dazu genutzt ein Wasserbecken wieder aufzufüllen und es wurden 30 Einsatzkräfte der Feuerwehren repositioniert. Damit konnten wir zusätzlich demonstrieren, dass mit einer Bell 412 auch eine höhere Anzahl an Einsatzkräften rasch in unwegsames Gelände versetzt werden kann, um die Löschtruppen direkt dort einzusetzen wo sie am nötigsten gebraucht werden.

Diese Übungen gaben uns weiters eine gute Möglichkeit unsere internen Abläufe zu trainieren und unser Equipment zu testen. Gelerntes wird umgesetzt und unser Setup auf Effizienz und Zuverlässigkeit geprüft.

Die Teilnehmer und Organisatoren beider Übungen zeigten sich sehr zufrieden mit dem Ergebnis und beide Seiten konnten wertvolle Erkenntnisse und neue Erfahrungen gewinnen.

Unser Dankeschön geht an alle beteiligten Organisationen, im Speziellen an den Kreisfeuerwehrverband Traunstein, der uns zu den Trainingseinheiten eigeladen hat.

Es ist uns eine Ehre die umliegenden Feuerwehren bei der Bekämpfung von Vegetationsbränden oder Einsätze im Katastrophenschutz zu unterstützen – wir sind bereit!

Fotos von:  / Max Köbele/5sM/GHS / Flying Lens

October 10th was another exciting milestone accomplished for GHS, after countless hours put in by our flight ops team we achieved a lasting desired goal to become a certified Helicopter Hoist Operator (HHO). With over 250 practical hoist cycles in a sequence of over three days, we achieved the last requirement for the approval certificate. Amongst this training, we qualified three of our highly trained Type Rating Instructors (TRI) and Examiners (TRE) for further company internal HHO training. As well for this hoist training, a well experienced and highly qualified Hoist-Operator-Instructor joined the GHS team to train further hoist operators to outstanding standards. With the accepted HHO approval, GHS will heavily focus on additional segments in which we can further assist our clients.

The complexity of operating helicopters requires exceptional industry experience, combined with outstanding recognition of customer needs and requirements. No matter if it’s single tasks such as CAMO control, Part 145 maintenance orders, quality control and storage, Return to Service (RTS) requirements or Full-Service Helicopter Management– our customers can depend on our years of experience – anytime, anywhere.

Currently, with our avionics engineers and eight personal H225 qualified maintenance team, we manage three H225 aircraft under our CAMO services and part 145 maintenance department. Two of which are in fully operational condition, another that is going through our Return to Service (RTS) inspection.



Aligned with the Continuing Airworthiness Management Organization (CAMO) to provide specialized services for the inspection, maintenance and quality control of aircraft. Our CAMO Services include:

  • Full diagnosis & Lease Return Service
  • CAMO – Part M certificate
    • Safe and precise oversight of own aircraft
    • Continuing airworthiness management for third party aircraft
    • Airworthiness reviews and recommendations
    • Consulting services
    • Maintenance planning
    • Training type level 1

Part 145

Highly qualified GHS technicians provide maintenance services at our Part 145 facility, which is required to undergo regular quality audits, along with adherence to GHS safety principles and optimized task planning.

  • H225 Return to Service (RTS)
  • Single scheduled maintenance events
  • Modifications and implementations of STC’s.
  • Base/Line maintenance performed by the GHS EASA Part 145 within CAMO guidelines.
  • Avionic inspections and reviews
  • Special tool rental
  • EASA-approved maintenance stations are available worldwide for any destination where services are required-whether an international airport or a remote desert location.


At GHS we understand that proper storage is a critical factor in assuring an aircraft is maintained in a „ready now“ status for immediate mobilization when required. In a climatized, clean and safe environment we provide all necessary measures to store the aircraft in line with manufacturer instructions.

  • Hangar space only
  • Short-term storage (12 months or less)
  • Long-term storage (12 months or more)


We focus in providing our services to our customers as simple as possible, we recognize and believe that our clients should not have to be troubled during any of the mobilization processes furthermore to allow them to remain focused on their daily responsibilities. With our extensive partnerships and expert logistics team, we can arrange all transportation requirements for aircraft mobilization from our clients‘ location to our storage and maintenance facility. Our goal is to provide a problem free experience for all our clients. Let us do what we do best to allow our clients to do theirs.

  • Ground Transportation
  • Air Transportation
  • Sea Transportation


Through our internal GHS Quality Control, we can ensure that service intervals are followed, and maintenance tasks are performed precisely to the manufacturer’s specifications.


Don’t hesitate to contact us for further information


The complexity of operating helicopters requires exceptional industry experience, combined with outstanding recognition of customer needs and requirements. No matter if it’s single tasks such as CAMO control, Part 145 maintenance orders, quality control and storage, Return to Service (RTS) requirements or Full-Service Helicopter Management– our customers can depend on our years of experience – anytime, anywhere.

Currently, with our avionics engineers and eight personal H225 qualified maintenance team, we manage three H225 aircraft under our CAMO services and part 145 maintenance department. Two of which are in fully operational condition, another that is going through our Return to Service (RTS) inspection.



Aligned with the Continuing Airworthiness Management Organization (CAMO) to provide specialized services for the inspection, maintenance and quality control of aircraft. Our CAMO Services include:

  • Full diagnosis & Lease Return Service
  • CAMO – Part M certificate
    • Safe and precise oversight of own aircraft
    • Continuing airworthiness management for third party aircraft
    • Airworthiness reviews and recommendations
    • Consulting services
    • Maintenance planning
    • Training type level 1

Part 145

Highly qualified GHS technicians provide maintenance services at our Part 145 facility, which is required to undergo regular quality audits, along with adherence to GHS safety principles and optimized task planning.

  • H225 Return to Service (RTS)
  • Single scheduled maintenance events
  • Modifications and implementations of STC’s.
  • Base/Line maintenance performed by the GHS EASA Part 145 within CAMO guidelines.
  • Avionic inspections and reviews
  • Special tool rental
  • EASA-approved maintenance stations are available worldwide for any destination where services are required-whether an international airport or a remote desert location.


At GHS we understand that proper storage is a critical factor in assuring an aircraft is maintained in a „ready now“ status for immediate mobilization when required. In a climatized, clean and safe environment we provide all necessary measures to store the aircraft in line with manufacturer instructions.

  • Hangar space only
  • Short-term storage (12 months or less)
  • Long-term storage (12 months or more)


We focus in providing our services to our customers as simple as possible, we recognize and believe that our clients should not have to be troubled during any of the mobilization processes furthermore to allow them to remain focused on their daily responsibilities. With our extensive partnerships and expert logistics team, we can arrange all transportation requirements for aircraft mobilization from our clients‘ location to our storage and maintenance facility. Our goal is to provide a problem free experience for all our clients. Let us do what we do best to allow our clients to do theirs.

  • Ground Transportation
  • Air Transportation
  • Sea Transportation


Through our internal GHS Quality Control, we can ensure that service intervals are followed, and maintenance tasks are performed precisely to the manufacturer’s specifications.


Don’t hesitate to contact us for further information